Analyses of microsatellite data in R

Hopefully I have covered what microsatellites markers are by this time. Many R packages are available to analyse microsatellite data. We ll be using R package Poppr to analyze the data from Shakya et al. 2018.

We ll first read the paper and understand what were the objectives of the paper and try to reproduce the work. For this part, We ll work in a group of 3-4 students.

Lets remind ourselves what these terms mean: Diploid individuals, multilocus genotypes, locus/loci, diversity index, index of association, rbarD, Hardy Weinberg Equilibrium, Fst, population structure, DAPC, neighbor joining tree and Mantel’s test.

Download the necessary data

First, we need the microsatellite genotype data which can be downloaded from here. Download MX_pop.csv file to your current working directory.

P.inf <- read.genalex("MX_pop.csv", ploidy = 4)
## This is a genclone object
## -------------------------
## Genotype information:
##    283 original multilocus genotypes 
##    517 tetraploid individuals
##     12 codominant loci
## Population information:
##      1 stratum - Pop
##     11 populations defined - 
## Chapingo_2015, Juchitepec_2015, San Gerónimo_2015, ..., Michoacan_2001/2010, Tlaxcala_2007, Toluca_1997

Lets look at the missing data

info_table(P.inf, type = "missing", plot = T)

##                      Locus
## Population               D13    G11 Pi04 Pi4B Pi63   Pi70 SSR11 SSR2
##   Chapingo_2015       0.3636      .    .    .    .      .     .    .
##   Juchitepec_2015     0.4848      .    .    .    .      .     .    .
##   San Gerónimo_2015   0.0545      .    .    .    . 0.0182     .    .
##   Toluca_2015         0.2609      .    .    .    .      .     .    .
##   Tlaxcala_2015       0.2424 0.0152    .    .    .      .     .    .
##   Chapingo_2016       0.3333      .    .    .    .      .     .    .
##   Juchitepec_2016     0.2456      .    .    .    .      .     .    .
##   San Gerónimo_2016   0.1250      .    .    .    .      .     .    .
##   Michoacan_2001/2010 0.0526 0.2105    .    .    .      .     .    .
##   Tlaxcala_2007       0.3818 0.1818    .    .    .      .     .    .
##   Toluca_1997         0.1290      .    .    .    .      .     .    .
##   Total               0.2398 0.0522    .    .    . 0.0019     .    .
##                      Locus
## Population              SSR3   SSR4 SSR6 SSR8   Mean
##   Chapingo_2015            .      .    .    . 0.0303
##   Juchitepec_2015          .      .    .    . 0.0404
##   San Gerónimo_2015        . 0.0182    .    . 0.0076
##   Toluca_2015              .      .    .    . 0.0217
##   Tlaxcala_2015       0.0152 0.0152    .    . 0.0240
##   Chapingo_2016            .      .    .    . 0.0278
##   Juchitepec_2016          .      .    .    . 0.0205
##   San Gerónimo_2016        .      .    .    . 0.0104
##   Michoacan_2001/2010      .      .    .    . 0.0219
##   Tlaxcala_2007            .      .    .    . 0.0470
##   Toluca_1997              .      .    .    . 0.0108
##   Total               0.0019 0.0039    .    . 0.0250

Now instead of working with tetraploids lets work with diploid data.

multiploid2diploid <- function(x, to = 2){
  ploidy_tab <- info_table(x, type = "ploidy")
  mat_sum <- rowSums(ploidy_tab > to, na.rm = TRUE)
  diploid_pinf <- x[mat_sum == 0]
  diploid_pinf <- recode_polyploids(diploid_pinf, newploidy = to)

diploid_pinf <- multiploid2diploid(P.inf, to = 2)
## This is a genclone object
## -------------------------
## Genotype information:
##    221 original multilocus genotypes 
##    431 diploid individuals
##     12 codominant loci
## Population information:
##      1 stratum - Pop
##     11 populations defined - 
## Chapingo_2015, Juchitepec_2015, San Gerónimo_2015, ..., Michoacan_2001/2010, Tlaxcala_2007, Toluca_1997
info_table(diploid_pinf, type = "missing", plot = T)

##                      Locus
## Population               D13    G11 Pi04 Pi4B Pi63   Pi70 SSR11 SSR2
##   Chapingo_2015       0.3721      .    .    .    .      .     .    .
##   Juchitepec_2015     0.7000      .    .    .    .      .     .    .
##   San Gerónimo_2015   0.0769      .    .    .    . 0.0256     .    .
##   Toluca_2015         0.2727      .    .    .    .      .     .    .
##   Tlaxcala_2015       0.3171      .    .    .    .      .     .    .
##   Chapingo_2016       0.3433      .    .    .    .      .     .    .
##   Juchitepec_2016     0.2708      .    .    .    .      .     .    .
##   San Gerónimo_2016   0.1667      .    .    .    .      .     .    .
##   Michoacan_2001/2010 0.0563 0.2254    .    .    .      .     .    .
##   Tlaxcala_2007       0.4000 0.2000    .    .    .      .     .    .
##   Toluca_1997         0.1667      .    .    .    .      .     .    .
##   Total               0.2715 0.0603    .    .    . 0.0023     .    .
##                      Locus
## Population              SSR3   SSR4 SSR6 SSR8   Mean
##   Chapingo_2015            .      .    .    . 0.0310
##   Juchitepec_2015          .      .    .    . 0.0583
##   San Gerónimo_2015        . 0.0256    .    . 0.0107
##   Toluca_2015              .      .    .    . 0.0227
##   Tlaxcala_2015       0.0244      .    .    . 0.0285
##   Chapingo_2016            .      .    .    . 0.0286
##   Juchitepec_2016          .      .    .    . 0.0226
##   San Gerónimo_2016        .      .    .    . 0.0139
##   Michoacan_2001/2010      .      .    .    . 0.0235
##   Tlaxcala_2007            .      .    .    . 0.0500
##   Toluca_1997              .      .    .    . 0.0139
##   Total               0.0023 0.0023    .    . 0.0282

Remove locus with high percentage of missing data

diploid_pinf <- missingno(diploid_pinf, type = "loci", cutoff = 0.07)
splitStrata(diploid_pinf) <- ~Region/Year
setPop(diploid_pinf) <- ~Region

## This is a genclone object
## -------------------------
## Genotype information:
##    221 original multilocus genotypes 
##    431 diploid individuals
##     11 codominant loci
## Population information:
##      2 strata - Region, Year
##      6 populations defined - 
## Chapingo, Juchitepec, San Gerónimo, Toluca, Tlaxcala, Michoacan

Table 2. Diversity summary by region

# Corrected simpson diversity index

uSimp <- function(x){
  lambda <- vegan::diversity(x, "simpson")
  x <- drop(as.matrix(x))
  if (length(dim(x)) > 1){
    N <- rowSums(x)
  } else {
    N <- sum(x)

unbiased <- poppr(diploid_pinf, uSimp = uSimp)
unbiased <- unbiased[, c(1,2,3,4,9,10,11)]
colnames(unbiased) <- c("Region", "N", "MLG", "eMLG", "E5", "Corrected lambda", "Hexp")
unbiased <- unbiased[c(6,1,4,3,2,5), ]
rownames(unbiased) <- NULL

##         Region   N MLG eMLG    E5 Corrected lambda  Hexp
## 1    Michoacan  71  43 29.9 0.571            0.956 0.548
## 2     Chapingo 110  17 11.2 0.642            0.824 0.449
## 3       Toluca  46  38 37.3 0.853            0.987 0.453
## 4 San Gerónimo  45  22 22.0 0.603            0.913 0.553
## 5   Juchitepec  68  28 22.0 0.665            0.936 0.569
## 6     Tlaxcala  91  76 41.1 0.913            0.996 0.571

Table 3. rbarD and Hardy-Weinberg equilibrium

ia_Pinf <- poppr(diploid_pinf, clonecorrect = TRUE, strata = ~Region, sample = 99, quiet = TRUE)

ia_Pinf <- ia_Pinf[,c(1:3,13:14)]  
colnames(ia_Pinf) <- c("Region", "N", "MLG", "rbarD", "P-value")
##         Region   N MLG    rbarD P-value
## 1     Chapingo  17  17  0.13903    0.01
## 2   Juchitepec  28  28 -0.00623    0.65
## 3 San Gerónimo  22  22  0.01519    0.15
## 4       Toluca  38  38 -0.00664    0.73
## 5     Tlaxcala  76  76  0.01604    0.01
## 6    Michoacan  43  43  0.01019    0.15
## 7        Total 224 221  0.01302    0.01

Hardy Weinberg Equilibrium

diploid_pinf_cc <- clonecorrect(diploid_pinf)
hwe_per_pop <- seppop(diploid_pinf_cc) %>% lapply(hw.test, B = 100)
per_pop_mat <- sapply(hwe_per_pop, "[", i = TRUE, j = 3)
alpha <- 0.05
per_pop_mat[per_pop_mat > alpha] <- 1
hwe_plot <- levelplot(per_pop_mat, xlab = "Locus", ylab = "Population")
num_loci_hwe <- per_pop_mat
num_loci_hwe[num_loci_hwe != 1] <- 0
num_loci_hwe <- colSums(num_loci_hwe)
ia_Pinf <- ia_Pinf[-7, ]
ia_Pinf <- cbind(ia_Pinf, num_loci_hwe) 
ia_Pinf <- ia_Pinf[c(6,1,4,3,2,5), ]
rownames(ia_Pinf) <- NULL
colnames(ia_Pinf)[6] <- "Loci under HWE"

##         Region  N MLG        rbarD P-value Loci under HWE
## 1    Michoacan 43  43  0.010185614    0.15              5
## 2     Chapingo 17  17  0.139028170    0.01              6
## 3       Toluca 38  38 -0.006641278    0.73              7
## 4 San Gerónimo 22  22  0.015188555    0.15              9
## 5   Juchitepec 28  28 -0.006226974    0.65             11
## 6     Tlaxcala 76  76  0.016042513    0.01              7

Table 4. Pairwise FST

diploid_pinf_cc <- clonecorrect(diploid_pinf)

gen2gtype <- function (x) {
  gen.mat <- genind2df(x, usepop = TRUE, oneColPerAll = TRUE)
  strata <- x@strata
  rownames(strata) <- rownames(gen.mat)
  x@strata <- strata
  gen.mat[gen.mat == "NA"] <- NA
  has.pop <- !is.null(x@pop)
  df2gtypes(x = gen.mat, ploidy = x@ploidy[1], id.col = NULL, 
            strata.col = if (has.pop) 
            else NULL, loc.col = if (has.pop) 
            else 1, 
            schemes = x@strata,  other = other(x))

diploid_pinf_cc.g <- gen2gtype(diploid_pinf_cc)

pairwise_fst <- pairwiseTest(diploid_pinf_cc.g, stats = "fst", nrep = 100)
## <<< gtypes created on 2019-11-03 05:30:25 >>>
##  2019-11-03 05:30:26 : Pairwise tests : 100 permutations
##    2019-11-03 05:30:26 : Chapingo v. Juchitepec 
##    2019-11-03 05:30:26 : Chapingo v. Michoacan 
##    2019-11-03 05:30:26 : Chapingo v. San Gerónimo 
##    2019-11-03 05:30:27 : Chapingo v. Tlaxcala 
##    2019-11-03 05:30:27 : Chapingo v. Toluca 
##    2019-11-03 05:30:28 : Juchitepec v. Michoacan 
##    2019-11-03 05:30:28 : Juchitepec v. San Gerónimo 
##    2019-11-03 05:30:28 : Juchitepec v. Tlaxcala 
##    2019-11-03 05:30:29 : Juchitepec v. Toluca 
##    2019-11-03 05:30:29 : Michoacan v. San Gerónimo 
##    2019-11-03 05:30:29 : Michoacan v. Tlaxcala 
##    2019-11-03 05:30:30 : Michoacan v. Toluca 
##    2019-11-03 05:30:30 : San Gerónimo v. Tlaxcala 
##    2019-11-03 05:30:31 : San Gerónimo v. Toluca 
##    2019-11-03 05:30:31 : Tlaxcala v. Toluca 
## Population structure results:
##                              pair.label        Fst  Fst.p.val
## 1      Chapingo (17) v. Juchitepec (28) 0.05933588 0.00990099
## 2       Chapingo (17) v. Michoacan (43) 0.06152119 0.00990099
## 3    Chapingo (17) v. San Gerónimo (22) 0.06584521 0.00990099
## 4        Chapingo (17) v. Tlaxcala (76) 0.05181373 0.00990099
## 5          Chapingo (17) v. Toluca (38) 0.04356232 0.00990099
## 6     Juchitepec (28) v. Michoacan (43) 0.06805726 0.00990099
## 7  Juchitepec (28) v. San Gerónimo (22) 0.05353811 0.00990099
## 8      Juchitepec (28) v. Tlaxcala (76) 0.04262064 0.00990099
## 9        Juchitepec (28) v. Toluca (38) 0.06661917 0.00990099
## 10  Michoacan (43) v. San Gerónimo (22) 0.11561847 0.00990099
## 11      Michoacan (43) v. Tlaxcala (76) 0.10420317 0.00990099
## 12        Michoacan (43) v. Toluca (38) 0.10782517 0.00990099
## 13   San Gerónimo (22) v. Tlaxcala (76) 0.01159181 0.01980198
## 14     San Gerónimo (22) v. Toluca (38) 0.07121965 0.00990099
## 15         Tlaxcala (76) v. Toluca (38) 0.06161425 0.00990099
fst_mat <- pairwise_fst$pair.mat$Fst
fst_mat[upper.tri(fst_mat)] <- t(fst_mat)[upper.tri(fst_mat)]
fst_mat[] <- 0

fst_mat[upper.tri(fst_mat)] <- NA
lower_tri <- melt(fst_mat, na.rm = TRUE)

ggheatmap <- ggplot(lower_tri, aes(x = Var1, y = Var2, fill = value)) + geom_tile(color = "white") +
  scale_fill_gradient(low = "green", high = "red" , space = "Lab", name="Pairwise FST") + theme_minimal() +
   theme(axis.text.x = element_text(angle = 90, vjust = 1, size = 12, hjust = 1)) + coord_fixed() +
  labs(x = "Population", y = "Population") +
  theme(axis.text.y = element_text(size = 12)) +
  theme(axis.title = element_text(size = 12)) +
  geom_text(aes(label = round(value, 2)))


Table 5. Analysis of molecular variance

repeat_length <- c(2, 2, 2, 3, 3, 2, 2, 2, 2, 2, 2)
bruvodist <- bruvo.dist(clonecorrect(diploid_pinf), replen = repeat_length)

amv <- poppr.amova(diploid_pinf, 
                   hier = ~Region, 
                   clonecorrect = TRUE, 
                   dist = bruvodist,
                   within = F)

myamv <- amv$results
rownames(myamv) <- c("Between regions", "Within regions", "Total")
myamv <- cbind(myamv, amv$componentsofcovariance$`%`)

colnames(myamv) <- c("df", "SS", "MSS", "% variance")

##                  df        SS       MSS % variance
## Between regions   5  4.391361 0.8782721   10.11364
## Within regions  218 38.498885 0.1766004   89.88636
## Total           223 42.890246 0.1923329  100.00000

Fig 2. Neighbor joining tree

repeat_length <- c(2, 2, 2, 3, 3, 2, 2, 2, 2, 2, 2)

diploid_pinf <- clonecorrect(diploid_pinf)
tree_nj <- bruvo.boot(diploid_pinf, replen = repeat_length, 
                   sample = 99, cutoff = 70, tree = "nj", showtree = FALSE)


#write.tree(tree_nj, file = "mynj_tree")

Lets try make our tree visually attractive and informative

tree_nj <- read.tree("mynj_tree")
strata <- dplyr::data_frame(taxa = indNames(diploid_pinf)) %>% cbind(strata(diploid_pinf)) 
##    taxa   Region Year
## 1 CHG16 Chapingo 2015
## 2  CHG1 Chapingo 2015
## 3 CHG10 Chapingo 2015
## 4 CHG11 Chapingo 2015
## 5 CHG12 Chapingo 2015
## 6 CHG13 Chapingo 2015
tree_nj$tip.label <- as.character(strata$Region)[match(tree_nj$tip.label, strata$taxa)]


mycol <- rep(NA, length(tree_nj$tip.label))

## [1] "Michoacan"    "Toluca"       "Juchitepec"   "Tlaxcala"    
## [5] "Chapingo"     "San Gerónimo"
mycol[grep("Chapingo", tree_nj$tip.label)] <- "red"
plot.phylo(tree_nj, tip.color = mycol)

mycol[grep("Juchitepec", tree_nj$tip.label)] <- "black"
mycol[grep("San Gerónimo", tree_nj$tip.label)] <- "green"
mycol[grep("Toluca", tree_nj$tip.label)] <- "blue"
mycol[grep("Tlaxcala", tree_nj$tip.label)] <- "orange"
mycol[grep("Michoacan", tree_nj$tip.label)] <- "pink"

#tiff("./mytree.tiff", width = 9, height = 18, res = 300, compression = "zip", unit = "in")
plot(tree_nj, tip.color = mycol, edge.width = 1, font = 1, main = "NJ tree.")

Fig 3. Population STRUCTURE analysis

edited_qmat_list <- readRDS("qmat_list.RData")

for (i in 1:length(edited_qmat_list)){
  temp_mat <- edited_qmat_list[[i]]
  key <- c("Michoacan" = "MICHO", "Chapingo" = "CHA", "Toluca" = "TOLU", "San Gerónimo" = "SG", "Juchitepec" = "JFH", "Tlaxcala" = "TLAX")
  temp_mat$orig.pop <- factor(key[temp_mat$orig.pop], ordered = TRUE, levels = key)
  edited_qmat_list[[i]] <- temp_mat

#admix_plot(edited_qmat_list[[3]], horiz = F)
structurePlot(edited_qmat_list[[3]], horiz = F)

Fig 4. Discriminant Analysis of Principal components

P.infx <- xvalDapc(tab(diploid_pinf, NA.method = "mean"), pop(diploid_pinf),
                   n.pca = 60:70,  n.rep = 10, 
                   parallel = "multicore", ncpus = 4L)

myCol <- brewer.pal(nPop(diploid_pinf), "Dark2") %>% setNames(popNames(diploid_pinf))

scatter.dapc(P.infx$DAPC, col=myCol, clabel = 0.75, pch=15:19, scree.pca = TRUE, scree.da = FALSE, posi.pca = "topright", posi.leg = "topright", legend = F, 
        cleg = 0.9, inset.solid = 1, xax = 1, yax = 2, cex.lab = 1, cex = 1, solid = 1, cstar = 0)

diploid_pinf_no_MCH <- popsub(diploid_pinf, blacklist = "Michoacan")

P.infx1 <- xvalDapc(tab(diploid_pinf_no_MCH, NA.method = "mean"), pop(diploid_pinf_no_MCH), n.pca = 60:70,  n.rep = 10, parallel = "multicore", ncpus = 4L)

scatter.dapc(P.infx1$DAPC, col=myCol, clabel = 0.75, pch=15:19, scree.pca = TRUE, scree.da = FALSE, 
        posi.pca = "topright", posi.leg = "topright", legend = F, 
        cleg = 0.9, inset.solid = 1, xax = 1, yax = 2, cex.lab = 1, cex = 1, solid = 1, cstar = 0)

Fig 5. Isolation by distance (Mantel’s test)

lat_lon <- read.csv("Dgeo_MX.csv")
colnames(lat_lon) <- c("name", "lat", "lon")

geodist_mat <- GeoDistanceInMetresMatrix(lat_lon) / 1000
geodist_mat <- as.dist(geodist_mat)

new_fst_mat <- readRDS("new_fst_mat.RData")
fstdist_mat <- as.dist(new_fst_mat)

plot(geodist_mat, fstdist_mat, xlab = "Geographical distance (km)", ylab = "Genetic distance (FST)",
     pch = 19, bg = "black", cex.lab = 1.5, cex.axis = 1.5, font.lab = 2, 
           font = 2, family = "Microsoft Sans Serif")

## Call:
## lm(formula = fstdist_mat ~ geodist_mat)
## Residuals:
##       Min        1Q    Median        3Q       Max 
## -0.045566 -0.013234  0.002951  0.014523  0.029325 
## Coefficients:
##              Estimate Std. Error t value Pr(>|t|)    
## (Intercept) 4.530e-02  8.989e-03   5.040 0.000227 ***
## geodist_mat 1.169e-04  4.028e-05   2.903 0.012340 *  
## ---
## Signif. codes:  0 '***' 0.001 '**' 0.01 '*' 0.05 '.' 0.1 ' ' 1
## Residual standard error: 0.02177 on 13 degrees of freedom
## Multiple R-squared:  0.3933, Adjusted R-squared:  0.3466 
## F-statistic: 8.426 on 1 and 13 DF,  p-value: 0.01234